House Rules Sign

This sign should be posted in the card room:

Poker is a game enjoyed by civilized ladies and gentlemen. We must insist that all players hold themselves to an elevated standard of decorum. Be polite and treat others with courtesy and dignity – even when they suck out.

Please, “English only” near the table while a hand is in progress.

No digital devices of ANY kind while at the table [except doctor prescribed medical equipment]. This includes devices for texting, phone calls, laptops, headphones (wired or wireless), Bluetooth anything, computers, video recorders, cameras, or music devices. Please step away from the game. You can text between hands, but if your device is out on the table or the rail, the dealer is instructed to deal you out, 100% of the time – or they will be written up if they don’t. No exceptions. Please do not cry at the table. You can come in next hand when your device is put away. Trust us, this policy will make the games better for everyone.
From the management: “Sorry nerds. This place is for having fun. Talk to humans.”

This is a private establishment. We reserve the right to ask any one to leave at any time, and for any reason.
Be nice – especially to new players – or you’ll get kicked the fuck out.

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